✿•*¨`*Finding Your Way Around Our Sites, Links, and Shops*¨`*•✿

A quick and Easy Blog Entry to help you find your way around! Save this email, link or posting. It has all the links you'll ever need to find, access and log into all of the download stores, websites, newsletters and blog entries. 
(All of the Brown & Orange Titles are Live Links!)

♥  Helping you connect to your Higher Self. Making conscious choices you wield the power within to become your Best Self and transform every aspect of your life.  ♥
 Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com
Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com
Should answer any and all of the questions you have about the website, downloads and services offered. It's cute, simple and clean. 

The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that... to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly.  Let us brighten your day and prompt those enlightened moments. You'll get a new newsletter every 27 days and on some holidays. We want you to take your time and enjoy reading the articles and doing the exercises.

 The Archive/Blog: Living Lightly Newsletter Specials is all of the Broadcasts sent out for Holidays and Special Occasions. The individual newsletters are not listed in the archive. You have to be signed up to receive those. 

Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic. Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I've enjoyed the journey. 

Join her as she reveals her thoughts, feelings, experiences, and, of course, her readings. Sign up for our monthly newsletter and bookmark  this page to read her weekly diary entries. 
(These are the Blog Entries. They come out on the 11th and the 22nd of every month. you can find all of the archives on the right hand side of the blog page.)

These posts explain and dispel myths about many of the esoteric and metaphysical practices that have become mainstream. Wait what is this? Click here to Read All About It! This month it's about answering some questions and getting you your worksheets and manifesting exercises. 

A class a day will keep idleness at bay. A download, or two! worked into your regular routine will help you achieve your goals immeasurably faster. Just as you've heard before: Practice makes perfect, it also makes you a confident, secure, and dependable person. We'll work a bit of that in while you develop your psychic abilities. Each page of this blog (pink list in the far right column) will have all of the current classes in those particular subjects and any materials that you'll need. 

Once you purchase a download, class or eBook, you have access to that download from any device, anywhere you have internet access. You also have the option of downloading it to as many devices as you'd like. Please keep your email and password you have set up to retrieve your products. We do not keep a record of that, nor do we have any access or ability to retrieve it for you. If you're concerned about forgetting it, download your product to your tablet, phone and/or computer.
If you're having trouble checking out, make sure your name and zip code matches your billing statement and that all of the numbers you entered are correct. If it's still not working, try using the PayPal option.
If you'd like to LogIn to your account, Click Here.
Happy Listening!

Here's the Links & the Descriptions to Some of them:

Yep, you guessed it. This shop covers everything that has to do with you, your personal growth, healing, relationships and connecting and tuning you into that Spirit[ual] part of you. There's a ton of affirmation image eBooks in all of the different categories. Enjoy! 

All of our Classes, Seminars and Lectures have a variety of individual downloads and eBooks associated with one or two main eCourses. You'll find many classes that use your Spiritual Light, Mind to Mind Communication, Chakra Balancing and a variety of classes that tune you into your Spirit and Spiritual Journey. 

The great thing about our eCourses and Training is that all of the sets are complete unto themselves. Look into each category to manifest and create just about anything or everything you can imagine. This shop is chalked full of affirmation eBooks and diary sets. Happy Downloading! 

This is for all of the lovers of the psychic arts and, of course, everyone who wants to develop them! This is also where you'll find our more mystical and magickal downloads and eBooks. Have fun! 

Oh! For the Love of Animals! We adore them so much, we had to put everything [about them] in one place. this shop has everything that has to do with your fur-babies. If you're an animal person, you'll want to stop in here! 

The greatest thing about these downloads are the lovely music they have in the background. Listen to the samples (You may stream them, no downloading necessary!) Plus, nearly every download (and all of the sections) have matching affirmation image eBooks. Yay! 

Don't let the name frighten you off. This is for all of the things that we experience as adults. It has a ton of stuff for helping you get and keep your life on track, all while making you happy, comfortable and confident doing it. You'll find addictions, substance management and abuse, intimacy issues and body healing and modification. We have some great affirmation eBooks and diary sets in here! 

This shop has audio affirmations and videos that match the free affirmation eBooks, or more accurately, our free positive affirmation eBooks match all of our audio and video downloads and eBook sets and classes. Don't let this name fool you, you'll find many more free positive affirmation image eBooks in the shops above. 

Monthly Streaming Subscriptions
We have a plethora of monthly subscriptions to choose from. Plus, there's a free 24 hour trial so that you can be sure that you like the audios and that they're in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to create. Enjoy!
Click on the links to view the packages and what downloads are included. Happy Listening!
  1. New Releases
  2. Sleep Hypnosis
  3. Just 15 Minutes
  4. Weight Loss & Control
  5. Hypnosis of the Month Club
  6. Meditation of the Month Club
  7. Changing your Programming
  8. The Unlimited Potential Program
  9. One Step at a Time -Specialty Program (Adult Only Content, Dealing with Addiction) 
The Current Weekly Schedule
Classes and AnnouncementsAll of the classes are listed across the top of the page. Nearly every class is held online.  The class will be on demand and must be done before the group meeting and support session. The on demand classes are right around $25. with a discount if you pay for the month. This price includes the live group session.  It's a video conference = everyone can see each other. If you want to turn off your video be sure that you have a nice picture of you up (ion your profile). It's important because when you're talking you don't want anyone staring a blank screen. If you're uncomfortable with that, use a cute picture of you, like a Bitmoji! or a character that you have made. It must look similar to you. 

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
Zodiac Charts and Readings